Caste and Class politics before and during Hyderabad liberation struggle

4 min readAug 15, 2021


I am going to discuss the politics of Hyderabad state which currently includes Marathwada( Aurangabad division of Maharashtra), Kalyana Karanataka(Gulbarga division of Karnataka) and complete Telangana during colonialism and independence.

Start of colonialism:- The Hyderabad state in mid-18th century was drawn on in the conflict of French and British in proxy wars. Initially it also included complete Andhra Pradesh but they had to eventually give that region to British. Nizam also helped British defeat Mysore. Due to this they were granted permanent control of Marathwada after Second Anglo-Maratha war which was contested with Peshwas and temporary control of Berar (Amravati division of Maharashtra)

During British rule the Hyderabad state was amongst the most backward princely states especially wrt nearby Mysore State. The landlord relations were the very feudal and therefore the lower castes were very backward in relation to other parts of deccan. By 20th century it did not control Berar. The only industries were in Aurangabad, Hyderabad and Warangal.

Administration of Nizam was autocratic and repressive as it suppressed new political movements inside the state. Until 1930s Congress and Communist party did not make any inroads in Hyderabad politics. Arya samaj did make inroads into Hyderabad state and helped Congress during liberation. Some Hindu and Muslim Elites did try to make a syncretic culture but orthodox hindus and muslims were against it.

Dalits in state were caught in between orthodox Hindu/Muslim factions. Muslims rulers used to use the Devadasi system for sexual exploitation even if they did not practice untouchablity. Many activists tried to make organizations which tried to combat devadasi system. They had to contend with many caste organizations. A separate identity of Adi-Hindus emerged during this period. Organizations called Adi-Hindu Jatiyonnati Sabha and Adi-Hindu Social service league emerged. Their aim was internal reform such as removing of social evils and establishing schools. The Adi-Hindu Jatiyonnati Sabha was more reformist and seeked self-respect while Adi-Hindu Social service league was more radical and uncompromising (Eg. Not supporting temple entry movements). These theme of completions would continue in later part of Hyderabad state in Dalit politics as Ambedkarites and Communists would advocate for land reforms after 1930.

Rise of Religious fundamentalism and Communists in 1930s :- Arya samaj had constructed its base in Hyderabad state in 1930s. It became a base for nationalistic Hindus. While Majlis-i-Itehaad-ul-Mussalman(MIM) was formed for zealous muslim peasants. Both were against aristocratic but syncretic Deccani ideology. MIM started conversions of Dalits. Due to mild anti-vethbagar legistislation of Dalits were amenable to Muslim side. Arya Samaj was base of pro-Hindu Congress supporters who started a communal satyagraha against monarchy. Unlike the one which Gandhi carried out this one was Toxic in nature and Gandhi called this satyagraha off. In the end 6000 satyagrahis were arrested and due to this a pro-Muslim-Monarchist position and pro-Hindu-Secessionist position was solidified.

Meanwhile with the help of Andhra Mahasabha Communists established themselves in Telangana region. It took the issues of Land revenue and vethbagar and started organizing. It held most sway in labourers but amongst Dalits there was no special participation. It continued with the issues of renting, taxes and Jagirdari. Congress could not do anything in this part of state. Communists were mostly from progressive Muslims and Upper class Hindus. But they did support Dalits a little.

Dalit Organization:- Many leaders rose in Dalit community in Hyderabad. Main people were B.S. Venkatarao, J.Subbiah and Shyam Sunder. Venkatarao and Shyam Sunder were independent,fiery, personable and assertive leaders while J.Subbiah was Ambedkarite but very unpopular. When Ambedkar converted to Buddhism this sparked debate in Hyderabadi dalits. Venkatarao and Shyam Sunder proclaimed independence from Hinduism and sided towards pro-Muslim-Monarchists. Subbiah was against this, therefore split occured between Subbiah and Venkatarao. Venkatarao founded Depressed Classes Association (DCA) and Subbiah became head of Hyderabadi Scheduled Caste federation (SCF), Shyam Sunder joined DCA. There was a clear split between Monarchists and Ambedkarites. Both the organizations used Ambedkars name but DCA was much more popular as Hyderabad State had started giving concessions and Lands to Dalits. These became major source of problem.

After India’s independence:- Huge conflict erupted after Nizam declared Hyderabad into a Monarchy. Dalits were split about the response. Ambedkar himself denounced Nizam’s decision. Due to this Subbiah and SCF remained quiet. On other hand DCA took the monarchist position. When Razakars, asemi-fascistic wing of MIM arose the DCA sided with them and started militia organization with them. Due to this upper caste hindus fled from the land and Dalits gained land in Marathwada

Meanwhile in Telangana communist agitation intensified. It organized militia against Razakars to protect their villages. They carried out the land for the landless in Talangana.

Eventually Indian army arrived and they greeted as liberator in both Marathwada and Telangana. Communists were not able to withstand Indian Army and fled to forests to carry out guerilla struggle. Meanwhile there were atrocities committed on muslims and dalits in Marathwada. Newly gained lands by dalits were siezed by upper castes in Marathwada. Upper Castes after independence became more oppressive and called dalits anti-national for supporting Nizam and Razakars. Eventually SCF had to do struggle to obtain land back from upper castes. The anti-Dalit issues in Marathwada went on until very recently. Shiv Sena engaged in Caste Bigotry in 1980s. Congress co-opted many Communist programmes and succeded in Telangana region for many peasants. Well educated Dalits in Telangana eventually shifted near to Ambedkar.

Written by /u/Golden_Rule_rules for /r/Librandu




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